This is a step-by-step guide for attaching in-line floats to your Smart Mooring. Each Smart Mooring should come with 1 or more in-line floats. Before you begin, please confirm the proper number and placement of in-line floats using the section below.

There is a lot of background information in the page linked below:

Mooring Design and Best Practices for Smart Mooring

<aside> đź’ˇ The in-float provides about 9 lb (4kg) of buoyancy.



Size 120mm length x 33mm diameter
Float Material Rigid polyurethane foam with hard polyurea coating.
Buoyancy approx. 4Kg
Depth rating 100m


Section 1: Determining the Number and Placement of Floats for Smart Moorings

The following rules should be followed when determining the number and placement of in-line floats:

<aside> đź’ˇ Rule 1: The first node should have a surface float attached.


Please follow the guide linked below:

Attaching Surface Float

<aside> đź’ˇ Rule 2: There should be one in-line float 2m above every node other than the first.


<aside> đź’ˇ Rule 3: There should be an in-line float in the middle of longer (25m, 35m, 50m, and 65m) sections of cable to keep the cable from dragging on the bottom or contacting the anchor.


It’s more like a guideline than a rule… Rule 3 is designed to keep any extra cable off the bottom and to make sure the entire mooring isn’t too heavy for the standard 12” surface float. Follow the table below for a general idea of where to put floats:

5m cable - no additional in-line flotation (already has one per node)

10m cable - no additional in-line flotation (already has one per node)

15m cable - no additional in-line flotation (already has one per node)

20m cable - no additional in-line flotation (already has one per node)

25m cable - one additional in-line float added in the middle of the cable section (12m from the bottom)

35m cable - one additional in-line float added in the middle of the cable section (15m from the bottom)

50m cable - two additional in-line floats added distributed along the cable (15m and 30m from the bottom)

65m cable - two additional in-line floats added distributed along the cable (15m and 30m from the bottom)

It may be necessary to check and adjust the position of the in-line floats. The goal is to keep the bottom 1/2 of the mooring from contacting the bottom or the anchor.

<aside> 💡 It is helpful to think about what’s happening to the bottom section of the mooring at low tide and with no waves.


Section 2: Attachment Instructions for In-Line Floats

Tools You’ll Need

What’s included (see below)

PXL_20220701_232202181 modified.jpg

Each in-line float comes with the following parts: